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Winter Activities

Winter activities

During the non sailing months the club holds regular social events including:

Takes place every Friday at 09:00 in the training rooms
Contact - Nigel Yeoman
Please Note the last Art Class for the Winter Season will be Friday 10th May 2024
Meets the first Monday of each month at 10am, as well as the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm to discuss and assess books that the group has read that month.
Contact - Sarah Wilton [email protected]
New members welcome.
At the end of a season's sailing, playing Bridge regularly is both sociable and a mentally challenging experience.  We alternate each week playing Chicago and Duplicate Bridge.
We have welcomed new members on Thursday evenings at 7pm in the club house.  There are no attendance fees and some coaching can be arranged.
Contact John Walker 07929 094843 [email protected]

Please Note the last Bridge gathering will be Thursday 11th April 2024

Yoga takes place every Tuesday at 0830, contact -  Caroline McKenzie 07802 405905 - [email protected]

Pilates is on Wednesdays at 09:15 and 10:15, contact Alex Moore -


Our Lady members come together on the 1st Wednesday of the month to enjoy a two course lunch and talk.

Our 2023/24 Season of talks include

2 October 2024 Prosthetics to Aesthetics Sarah Palmer
6 November 2024 Johnny Remember Me Brian & Jacqueline Sutton
4 December 2024 Cunard History & Glamourous Stars Steve Herra
8 January 2025 Wildlife in Scotland Brian Pettit
5 February 2025 Surviving the House that Sat Down Alice May Tompkins
5 March 2025 TBC  
Once a month like minded members meet to 'Make Music'. This informal session runs from 8 to 10pm with the opportunity to learn and play new songs and pieces(and visit the bar!)  All instruments, vocals and styles/genres are welcome from advanced to beginners who can get help and tips from the more experienced. We play our ensemble songs at Parkstone Entertains in May (members entertaining members!)
Dates for this year are:-
Wed 25th October
Wed 15th November
Tues 12th December
Wed 17th January
Wed 21st February
Wed 20th March

We've had a successful winter with some wonderful members taking part, we hope this continues when we re-start in October 24.
Thank you for your continued support.

Make Monday evenings from October to Easter your fun night out when a great quiz night is held in the bar. Run for many years by Richard Drew, the evening has cash prizes for the General Knowledge quiz, up to £125 for the rollover and a wine prize for the picture quiz. There is also a “free beer” draw. Maximum of six in a team at £1 per head.
Why not bring your crew or class racers for a pre-season bonding session?

Please Note the last gathering for the Quiz Night is Monday 8th April

During the winter months our Cruising section organises a series of talks for the membership.

Next meeting is Wednesday 17th April which is organised by the Cruising Fleet
Starting at 7.30pm
