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Saturday 29th June 2019

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Saturday 29th June 2019

There seemed to be a lot of us today – maybe 14 or 15?. Glorious day, starting with a nice force 3 from the east and the last of the ebb washing us up towards the start.

It was important to be right on the pin, so that you could tack away quickly and Pete and Jo did that very nicely getting a 2 or 3 boat length jump on the rest of the fleet as we beat up to Ellis Jones. They were followed closely at the windward mark by Simon and Grant, Dave and Chewey, Patrick and David then a little gap before a huge gaggle come round.

Pete and Jo, Simon and Grant, Patrick and David sailed down the middle of the run all the way to Gold at the other end of the harbour in gradually decreasing wind and went round the mark in that order with Bob 4th and Dave 5th .

There was a funny shifty beat up to RoRo against a tide that was now starting to flood. Bob and Huw sailed that quite nicely, got into the leading pack and sailed through to second. Then we had a close reach to Stakes and a beat to the box. At this stage we thought that the race might be about to finish but there was no shortened course so we carried on to Ellis Jones against the now strong flood in low wind.

Amongst the tacking up the shore Bob dared most in‪ the shallows‬ and managed to catch up with Pete whilst Steve and Lisa appeared from nowhere to challenge Simon and Dave. Eventually Bob and Huw sneaked through on the line, so well done to them. Commiserations to Pete and Jo who led for the entire race except the last 3 boatlengths!.

Final Results
1. Bob and Huw
2. Pete and Jo
3. Simon and Grant
4. Steve and Lisa
5. Dave and Chewey

Posted: 01/07/2019 16:06:17 by Simon Spolton | with 0 comments

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